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Corporate Social Responsibility

As a company, we enjoy good social framework conditions, a robust learning system, reliable compliance processes, a liveable environment and social stability. As a responsible company, we want to play a constructive part in shaping the society of the future. Accordingly, we are mindful of the effects of our business activity on our stakeholders, customers, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, and other affected social groups, as well as on the economic, ecological, and socio-cultural environment in which we operate.

By publishing our Group Policy, we want to present our commitment and activities relating to various aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility with complete transparency and based on the 17 SDGs of the United Nations to enhance sustainable development at the global level. We will assess our strategy, commitment, and results yearly and report them on our website. 

A closer look at eleven strategic contributions

Good Health and Well-Being

The allswiss Group staff strategy actively aims to encourage a healthy work-life balance. We have made this a cornerstone of our CSR policy. We take active measures to improve working conditions, including intercompany transparency through regular updates for all staff, ergonomic workstations, healthy food and fitness programs, and recreational areas in our offices accessible for all staff members.

Quality education

Markets are changing fast, and innovation is always at the door; therefore, we aim to develop the skills and employability of our staff by allowing them to take training and certifications. 

A dedicated HR team will guide all employees to develop their soft and hard skills and discover new horizons. 

Gender equality

The financial and real estate industry is predominantly male. allswiss Group has committed to increasing the proportion of women in the Company and at the Executive Committee level. Many actions, such as a mentoring program, will be implemented to achieve this goal. 
Furthermore, we are committed to increasing culturally diverse staff by 2028.  
We are committed to avoiding any pay inequalities.

Affordable and Clean Energy

We take action to reduce our environmental footprint through the way we operate. Our approach seeks to keep our direct environmental impact under control by having our offices supplied with green energy and by implementing power-saving strategies in our offices. On the investment side, we aim to invest in buildings and assets with high energy efficiency.

Decent Work and Economic Growth

A significant part of our ethical responsibility is ensuring a robust Code of Conduct and HR policy focusing on anti-bribery, no harassment and no discrimination. Yearly training and controls will be implemented to ensure the employees know and implement our responsibilities in their daily work.

We will uphold human rights and fair labour conditions through our internal guidelines.

Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

The allswiss Group aims to invest in buildings that have received or are expected to receive at least one of the following green building certifications: 

  • LEED (Gold or above) 
  • BREEAM (Very good or above) 
  • DGNB (Silver or above) 

Reduced Inequalities

A significant part of our ethical responsibility is ensuring a robust Code of Conduct and HR policy focusing on anti-bribery, no harassment and no discrimination. Yearly training and controls will be implemented to ensure the employees know and implement our responsibilities in their daily work. 

We will uphold human rights and fair labour conditions through our internal guidelines.

Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 11

allswiss Group is taking measures to reduce climate-related risks by focusing on clean transportation. We favour low-carbon methods of transportation for home-work commuting. We encourage our staff to use such methods by granting local public transportation tickets and promoting electric vehicles in our fleet. With a 2-days-of-work-from-home (HR) policy, we also want to contribute to reducing our carbon footprint. 

Responsible Consumption and Production
SDG 12

We want to positively impact our ecosystem by managing our resources and recycling our waste. We want to set up various initiatives to encourage employees to use resources responsibly daily. That means eliminating single-use items and avoiding plastic containers. Another of our priorities is to reduce, sort and recycle our waste.  

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 16

At allswiss Group, we want to ensure complete transparency and accountability through effective governance. 

We aim to inform and train our employees on anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy yearly. We will implement transparent governance between our executive bodies and assess and report our progress on our CSR strategy every year. 

CSR Strategy Policy

Please find hereafter our CSR Policy for 2024 – 2026.